I modified the hamachi wrapper script with two functionalities:
- do NOT restart hamachi if there is nobody to ping
- DO restart hamachi if there are unreachable hosts
- DO restart hamachi if its CPU usage goes over 50% - this partly solves the 100% CPU usage problem of hamachi
- if you modify the script name, the script should keep working - it even works if there is a space in the filename
#!/bin/bash scriptname="`basename \"$0\"`" function command_pids { IFS=' ' RES="" for p in `ps xo pid,command | grep "$1"`; do IFS=' ' hampid=( $p ) pid=${hampid[0]} if [ ".`basename ${hampid[1]}`" == ".hamachi" ]; then RES="${RES} $pid"; fi done echo $RES; } function hamachi_force_terminate { hamachi stop >/dev/null sleep 1 for ham_pid in $( command_pids hamachi ); do kill -9 $ham_pid done } hamachi_running=1 if [ `echo $( command_pids hamachi ) | wc -w` -eq 0 ]; then hamachi_running=0; #echo "count not detect running hamachi" else hamachi_pcpu=`ps ho pcpu $( command_pids hamachi )` if [ `echo $( command_pids hamachi ) | wc -w` -gt 1 ]; then echo "multiple running hamachi instances - terminating" hamachi_force_terminate hamachi_running=0 else if [ `echo "$hamachi_pcpu > 50" | bc` -eq 1 ]; then echo "high CPU usage hamachi instances - terminating" hamachi_force_terminate hamachi_running=0 fi fi fi if [ `ip r | grep default -c` -lt 1 ]; then # No internet gateway, exiting! exit 1 fi hamachi_online=`hamachi list | egrep '\* [0-9]' | awk '{print $2}'` count_unreachable=`hamachi list | egrep 'x [0-9]' | wc -l` ping_ok=1 for IP in $hamachi_online; do ping -c 2 $IP >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ping $IP failed!" hamachi list | grep $IP ping_ok=0; fi # if first ping fails then ping is not OK! break; done if [ $hamachi_running -ne 1 -o $count_unreachable -gt 0 -o $ping_ok -eq 0 ]; then echo "restarting hamachi: running $hamachi_running unreachable $count_unreachable ping $ping_ok" if [ `pgrep tuncfg | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then sudo /sbin/tuncfg; fi hamachi_force_terminate hamachi start CNT=1; echo -n "Logging in... " ; while [ `hamachi login | grep -c failed` -eq 1 -a $CNT -lt 100 ]; do echo -n "$CNT "; let CNT=$CNT+1; sleep 2; done; sleep 2; echo hamachi get-nicks #else #echo "hamachi is online" fi
Hi, i have used this script, it work well but when hamachi goes offline, it restart it, and then the script freeze when "loggin in..." and never show the list of connected people
Can you give me some additional information?
What Linux version are you using?
At what line is the script failing (if you can find the line)?
Do you get any output from the script?
Well, I am running ubuntu 9.04 server
I modified your script, becouse an error on line 36 "Command not found - [: -eq: unary operator expected"
so, I erase this
30 hamachi_pcpu=`ps ho pcpu $( command_pids hamachi )`
31 if [ `echo $( command_pids hamachi ) | wc -w` -gt 1 ]; then
32 echo "multiple running hamachi instances - terminating"
33 hamachi_force_terminate
34 hamachi_running=0
35 else
36 if [ `echo "$hamachi_pcpu > 50" | bc` -eq 1 ]; then
37 echo "high CPU usage hamachi instances - terminating"
38 hamachi_force_terminate
39 hamachi_running=0
40 fi
41 fi
The script freeze on loggin when I execute it manually. when cron execute it, in the terminal I have a "connect(): Conection Refused" Mesage.
OK, to solve the cron problem, you should allow running tuncfg without password.
Run in the terminal:
sudo visudo
then append the following line:
%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/tuncfg
enter it _exactly_ like this, including the percent sign (%)
I'll now try running the script in Ubuntu 9.04 in virtualbox to try and reproduce the problem.
also, when you make a crontab entry, do it with your username.
So, in your terminal run:
$ crontab -e
and then add line
*/5 * * * * $HOME/bin/hamachi_watchdog.sh
or something like that
I found some hamachi race condition on Ubuntu 9.04
Adding a 2 second delay ("sleep 2") after "hamachi login" seems to have solved it
Try the new script now...
will try it and comment the result here.
it works very nice now! I just add the line in visudo and add the sleep 2; after login.
Thanks so much.
Great! I'm very happy to hear that!
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